Power Schaum POW 21Kg

The highly concentrated, phosphate and NTA-free intensive foam for gantry car washes, car washes, self-service systems and hand washing.
143,11 €

The highly concentrated, phosphate and NTA-free intensive foam for gantry car washes, car washes, self-service systems and hand washing. The extremely high proportion of anionic surfactants produces a unique foam pattern, an intensive and paint-friendly cleaning performance and supports self-cleaning and thus the service life of the brushes. The fresh citrus scent provides a pleasant fragrance. Also ideally suited for biological service water treatment plants. VDA-compliant class A: exposure time max. 5 min, max. application concentration 1:100 Apply pure via dosing pump up to 1:10. Recommended consumption per car: foam and self-service units: 3-8 ml. Shampoo: 1-3 ml. Hand wash: 1:300. Due to the higher product viscosity (lower delivery rate of the dosing pumps) the product may have to be pre-diluted. VDA-compliant class A: reaction time max. 5 min, max. application concentration 1:100 Do not let dry. Before using, check suitability and compatibility.
Produkta detaļas
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