Battery VARTA 100Ah/830A SILVER DYNAMIC (Right+) 353x175x190 B13 - mounting terminals 10.5 mm (STARTA) VARTA is a German company, one of the largest battery manufacturers in the world. The main office is located in Germany, in the federal state of Hesse in the city of Sulzbach. More than 25 million batteries are produced annually in 7 factories of the company. Factories are located in Germany, Spain, Czech Republic and France. Every third battery produced by the company enters assembly lines (Ford, Mercedes, BMW, VW, Peugeot, Citroen, Opel, MAN, Scania, DAF, etc.). Varta supplies batteries to all major car manufacturers in Europe and is the undisputed leader in this field, far ahead of its competitors. Since 2003, VARTA has been part of Johnson Controls Inc. (USA), a leading manufacturer of automotive interior equipment and the world's largest manufacturer of automotive batteries. Varta Automotive's parent company is VB Autobatterie GmbH; Johnson Controls share, which has 80%, and Robert Bosch GmbH - 20%.
Reference: WYN70701
Brand: WYNNS
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