Fast delivery

Fast, inexpensive and accurate delivery

We try to keep up with the times and always offer up-to-date ways of service for our clients. And therefore we support all popular types of delivery (Venipak, Omniva, DPD). After all, our goal is very simple - it is to improve everyone's life, through improving attitudes towards everyone!


Receive your ordered item for free at the customer service center "Bless" by the address: Rīga, Strenču iela 5. You can also get order information by phone: +371 26270033

Courier service

We work only with trusted and reliable courier services (Venipak, Omniva, DPD). And, therefore, our customers have access to fast delivery of goods, unlimited in size, to the specified address within 2-3 days.


Also, on our website you can choose one of the pick-up points of popular courier companies (Venipak, Omniva, DPD), working for round-the-clock delivery of orders. In this case, the dimensions of the parcel are limited and depend on the type of pick-up point chosen.

Safe, convenient and modern payment

Also, we pay a lot of attention to the safety and convenience of online shopping. All current and reliable payment methods are available in our store.

  1. Payment upon receipt of the ordered goods at the customer service center "Bless" by the address: Rīga, Strenču iela 5.
  2. Payment upon receipt of the ordered goods to the courier.
  3. Bank transfer after the invoice issued by us for payment of the order.
  4. Payment by credit card or using an Internet bank account on our website.
  5. Payment in installments for 6 or 12 months, leasing in cooperation with our partner Incredit Group.