Reference: RBTOLCFJ150
Running Boards Side Steps suitable for Toyota Land Cruiser Prado FJ150 (2010-Up)
Reference: RBTOLCFJ150
Reference: 255-056
Brand: BOSAL
The following are the codes with which this section is compatible: BY ALVADI AL12577186 BARCODE 3351642550567 THE BOSAL >255-056 HANOI 255-056 TIMEX BY 12 THE VOLVO 6842636 THE VOLVO 9492157
Reference: BRBHOCRV12
Reference: TY-PO718PB
Reference: 4013
Protects against freezing in temperatures as low as -40°C (-40°F). Helps engines stay at the right temperature for better performance. Prevents rust and damage in the cooling system. Works with different types of vehicles.