Etilēnglikola šķīdums 100%, 20kg

Ethylene glycol has many uses, including as antifreeze in cooling and heating systems, in hydraulic brake fluids, and as a solvent.
100,69 €
Su mokesčiais

Ethylene glycol has many uses, including as antifreeze in cooling and heating systems, in hydraulic brake fluids, and as a solvent. Acute (short-term) exposure of humans to ethylene glycol by ingesting large quantities causes three stages of health effects: central nervous system (CNS) depression, followed by cardiopulmonary effects, and later renal damage. The only effects noted in one study of individuals exposed to low levels of ethylene glycol by inhalation for about a month were throat and upper respiratory tract irritation. Rats and mice chronically (long-term) exposed to ethylene glycol in their diet exhibited signs of kidney toxicity and liver effects. Several studies of rodents exposed orally or by inhalation showed ethylene glycol to be fetotoxic. An epidemiologic study on renal cancer mortality did not find an increased risk for workers exposed to ethylene glycol.
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16 kitos prekės toje pačioje kategorijoje:

Kodas: MN4012-20

Prekės ženklas: MANNOL

Antifrizas Mannol 4012 Longlife AF12+ -40°C 20 ltr

Tai užtikrina patikimą ir ilgalaikę apsaugą nuo variklio perkaitimo ir korozijos.Sukurtas su aukštos kokybės etilenglikolu ir patobulintais priedais, kurie suteikia puikią apsaugą nuo ryžių, korozijos ir kavitacijos erozijos.Jame nėra silikatų, nitratų, amino ir fosfatų, todėl jį galima saugiai naudoti su aliuminio varikliais ir kitais metalais.Paprasta...

Kaina 36,87 €
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